DFI's 49th Annual Conference
Program Highlights

Technical Program

Keynote Speakers

Barbara Jackson, Ph.D., FDBIA

Shifting from Order Takers to Value Generators
Proactively Evolving Our Role as Professionals and Service Providers

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As one of the most recognized and respected thought leaders in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, Barbara Jackson focuses exclusively on Transforming Leadership & Culture in the AEC Industry. Her areas of expertise include design-build, integrated project leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, strategic foresight and planning, cultural transformation, high performance teaming, market capture and positioning, and developing competitive advantage. She also leads the Women Building Change Leadership Boot Camp, a leadership intensive program specifically for women in construction, architecture, engineering and related fields.

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Edward E. Belk, Jr., P.E., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Dam and Levee Barrier Walls at the Corps of Engineers – Historical Review and Current State of the Practice

Since the first installation of barrier walls in a Mississippi River levee south of Memphis, TN in 1945, the US Army Corps of Engineers has been actively addressing seepage issues around dams and levees. Over the past 80 years, barrier walls have been installed across a diverse range of foundation materials, including loose sands, karstic limestone, and various other complex geologic settings. The evolution of barrier wall technology has seen significant advancements, with dozens of installations on USACE dams and hundreds...

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Panel Discussions

Multi-Agency Field Review Focused on Landslides, Asset Management and Climate Change in Alaska

Climate change is occurring, and owners/agencies are seeing the impact of warming temperatures and extreme weather on landslides and other geohazards across the globe. Asset management is becoming more important and more challenging with the rapidly changing environment...

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Moderator: Thomas Pullen, P.G.
Brierley Associates

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Darren Beckstand
Landslide Technology

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Denny Capps, Ph.D.
National Park Service

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Derrick Dasenbrock, P.E., D.GE
Federal Highway Administration

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April Fontaine
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .

Resiliency - Dam Owners' Perspective & The Role of DFI

Join us on Day 3 for an insightful session where dam owners from various agencies share their perspectives on resiliency. They’ll discuss how collaboration with DFI is driving resilient solutions to meet the challenges each of them is facing. Brad Long, P.E., HDR, program co-chair, is moderating this expert panel including:

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Moderator: Brad Long, P.E.

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Kevin Lock, P.E.
Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District

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Erik William James, P.E., P.G., G.E.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

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Darion Mayhorn
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

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Chris L. Saucier, P.E., P.M.P.
Tennessee Valley Authority

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Eva B. Vélez, P.E.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District

  • John Clark, City of Aurora

Student Paper Competition Winner

Each year the Deep Foundations Institute Educational Trust hosts a Student Paper Competition for undergraduate and graduate students studying in the fields of engineering, construction and geological sciences. The winning authors will present their papers at the conference. The 2024 winner will receive free conference registration and library of up to 20 printed DFI Publications and a complimentary two-year full Individual Membership in DFI.

John A. Huntoon, Ph.D., E.I.T.

Analytical Model of In-Situ Root-Inspired Ground Anchor Actuation and Pullout

Root-inspired ground anchors are an emergent bio-inspired geotechnical ground anchoring technology leveraging the pullout resistance efficiency of fibrous plant root systems. These anchors are a technologically feasible means to construct root-like anchor geometries in-situ using conventional ground anchor construction techniques and equipment: a ferrous linkage mechanism alters its configuration in-situ from cylindrical to root-like and remains fixed in the latter configuration by cured cement grout. This technology currently lacks a means...

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Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

An increasing number of professional engineering licensing organizations require members to pursue professional development on a formal basis. DFI is pleased to provide a general Certificate of Participation for all its technical programs. This certificate is accepted by most licensing boards and serves as documentation of your pursuit of continuing education credits.

There are some states that may not accept the general DFI certificate. Attendees are responsible for determining whether the PDHs offered by DFI are accepted by their respective licensing board.

The number of general PDHs for this conference will be announced soon.