DFI S3: Slopes, Support and Stabilization

August 5-7, 2025 | Madison, Wisconsin

Join us for DFI S3: Slopes, Support, and Stabilization, a dynamic 2.5-day conference dedicated to the practical application of deep foundation and ground improvement solutions. This event focuses on techniques for stabilizing soft ground, landslides, and slopes, as well as supporting deep excavations.

Schedule Overview

Tuesday, August 5

Conference Day 1:

  • Technical Committee Meetings
  • Cheers to 50 Years Reception

Wednesday, August 6

Conference Day 2:

  • Exhibits, Technical Sessions and Welcome Reception

Thursday, August 7

Conference Day 3:

  • Exhibits and Technical Sessions

Organizing Committee

Nathan Iverson, P.E., of Veit is the S3 2025 Conference Chair, and Edward Laczynski, P.E. of Wagman Heavy Civil, Christopher Ramsey, P.E. of Schnabel Engineering, LLC, Jeff Segar, P.E., S.E. of GeoStabilization International and Timothy Siegel of Dan Brown and Associates are the Technical Program Co-Chairs. They are supported by a dedicated group of local and national industry professionals who serve on the program committee.

headshot of nate iverson

Nathan Iverson, P.E.
Conference Chair

headshot of edward laczynski

Edward Laczynski, P.E.
Technical Program

headshot of christopher ramsey

Christopher Ramsey, P.E.
Technical Program

headshot of jeff segar

Jeff Segar, P.E., S.E.
Technical Program

headshot of tim siegel

Timothy Siegel, P.E., G.E.
Technical Program

Cooperating Organizations