Helical Piles - Tiebacks - Anchors Tradeshow
Wednesday, May 7 - Thursday, May 8, 2025 | Durham, Connecticut
The DFI Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee is looking forward to our next Helical Piles-Tiebacks-Anchors Tradeshow and Educational Seminar on May 7 - 8, 2025 in Durham, Connecticut.
- 6 live demonstrations
- Unique and creative uses for helical piles
- Advancements in lateral load support
- Safety and quality control measures
- New technology showcases
- Techniques for flood zone and wetland applications
- Seismic and lateral loads
- Helical piles and tiebacks
Conference Overview
The event includes a structured indoor technical education program each morning followed by an outdoor equipment exhibition and live installation and testing demonstrations that highlight the products, resources and expertise used to design, install and test helical pile and anchor elements for structural support and earth retention applications. The event also includes general exhibits featuring helical pile and anchor manufacturers and distributors, installation contractors and equipment manufacturers, pile testing service companies, and engineering service companies.
Indoor Program
The indoor technical educational program comprises presentations by helical pile experts on design, codes, case histories, new applications and QA/QC processes.
Outdoor Program
In the afternoons on both days, attendees will circulate through outdoor stations including a load test area and equipment exhibits presented by leading manufacturers and suppliers. At each station, industry experts will present information on all aspects of helical pile installation and testing, new applications and innovations for helical pile use and construction.
Technical Program Committee

James Davis, P.E.
Technical Program Chair

Matthew Conte, CPC
Exhibits and Live Demo Lead

Brandon Walter
Exhibits and Live Demo Lead

Gina Huelsman
Exhibits and Live Demo Lead