DFI 50th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations
Celebrating 50 Years
October 20-23, 2025 | Nashville, Tennessee
DFI's 50th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations is October 20 - 23, 2025, in Nashville, Tennessee. The theme of this international conference is “Celebrating 50 Years,” focusing on the evolution of the industry. We will explore advancements in industry practices, techniques and project delivery through perspectives, case histories and research-based papers and presentations.

- Industry Evolution and Knowledge Transfer
- Transportation Applications
- Modeling the Past, Present and Future
- Working Platforms
- Managing Risk with Testing and Data
- Geo-Hazards (Seismic and Other Natural)
- Developments in Marine Projects
- Growth and Ground Improvement
- Underground and Tunneling
- Sustaining the Future
- And more!
Schedule Overview
Monday, October 20
Conference Day 1: Technical Committee Meetings, Lunch and Learn and Women in Deep Foundations Networking Reception.
Tuesday, October 21
Conference Day 2 (Full Day): Exhibits, Opening Plenary and Technical Sessions, Welcome Luncheon and Welcome Reception.
Wednesday, October 22
Conference Day 3 (Full Day): Exhibits, Technical Sessions, and Business Meeting Luncheon.
Thursday, October 23
Conference Day 4 (Half-Day): Exhibits, Technical Sessions and Closing Plenary.
Organizing Committee
A dedicated group of industry professional serve on the Conference Organizing Committee for this event. Led by Conference Chair John Wolosick, P.E., S.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE, of Keller, and Program Co-Chairs Lois Schwarz, Ph.D. of Tensar Corporation, a Division of CMC, Sam Sternberg, P.E. of Dan Brown and Associates, LLC, and Adam Hacker, P.E. of HDR.

John Wolosick, P.E., S.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE

Lois Schwarz, Ph.D.

Sam Sternberg, P.E.

Adam Hacker, P.E.