Registration & Fees

The following button will take you to our external event registration app.

Registration Fees

Single Golfer $300
Two Golfers $600
Foursome $1,200
Mulligans $20
Reception Only $80

Other Terms and Conditions

Images of individuals may be captured by the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) during events/activities organized and hosted by DFI using still photography, video or any other medium. DFI reserves the right to use such images on the DFI website, in Deep Foundations Magazine, in newsletters and/or other publicity material. By registering and/or participating in a DFI event/activity, the persons whose images are captured during such an event consent to the use of said images by DFI or any of its subcontractors as described above.

As a registrant of this event, and its related activities, you agree to have your contact details provided to sponsors and also to receive email from DFI and its members relating to its events, membership, and publications as well as newsletters, updates, and other announcements.